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Image 1: The patient came in with severe TMD ( temporomandibular disorder ) symptoms including migraines and severe vertigo.
Image 2: Patient put into a physiologic fixed orthotic to treat the TMD symptoms (which were resolved) through alignment of the jaws
Image 3: Patient elected to go into phase 2 treatment of jaw development physiologic orthodontics. This was the first appliance to remodel the upper jaw bone.
Image 4: Once the upper jaw bone was developed, the braces went on to further develop the upper jaw
Image 5: The lower jaw was further developed with the braces while maintaining the lower jaw in a physiologic position with the upper using the lower molar bonded pads
Image 6: We are nearing completion of the physiologic jaw development orthodontics and the patient still is symptom-free. We will have to treat that front tooth with a veneer or crown for esthetics due to discoloration once the orthodontics is complete.
NOTE: These are examples only and do not imply any certainty of a result of a procedure, and all outcomes are subject to the circumstances of the individual patient.
Dr. Palmer is a general dentist trained in physiologicly based orthodontics and is not a certified orthodontic specialist.