Dental Veneers West Kelowna

How do porcelain dental veneers work?


If you’re ashamed of your teeth, you don’t have to be. You can fix their appearance with porcelain dental veneers. Made of thin shells of ceramic materials, they are permanently bonded to the front surface of your teeth. 

Dental veneers are custom-made and custom-colored so you, or anyone else, won’t be able to tell the difference between them and your natural teeth.


How long does the process take?

The entire process will take about one month. Your initial consultation will cover the steps required and an explanation of the procedure will be clarified. Firstly, a digital scan or mold of the teeth is taken for digital or waxed models to show the patient what the final veneers can look like. These are also used to fabricate temporary veneers.

During your second appointment, a mould or digital scan will be made of your prepared teeth. This is then sent to a dental laboratory where custom-made veneers are created. In a third appointment, they are placed in your mouth. Voila – you have a wonderful, white smile!

You deserve natural-looking, attractive teeth that blend in with your regular teeth. No more cracks, breaks, gaps or stains! Your confidence will skyrocket and your family and friends will see your smile more often.

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Dr. Shauna Palmer

We believe that holistic dentistry should be clear, simple, and effective.

28+ Years Experience

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1500+ Healthy Patients



How long do dental veneers last?


Many patients have porcelain veneers that still look great after 20 years or more.

The longevity of porcelain veneers often comes down to how a patient takes care of them after they have been placed, and if there are bite issues present (unbalanced bite or unbalanced jaw).


What are the benefits of porcelain dental veneers?

Veneers can be the treatment of choice for correcting a variety of cosmetic issues:

Discoloration: Sometimes, teeth whitening isn’t enough to get rid of serious tooth staining. Whether your teeth have been discolored by lifestyle choices or the use of certain medical treatments, veneers offer one simple solution to brighten your smile.

Teeth Shape: The appearance of your smile is affected by the length and overall shape of the tooth. Veneers are often used to correct these common cosmetic concerns by lengthening the teeth or repairing chips and cracks.

Smile Alignment: Minor alignment issues can be corrected using veneers instead of braces. For example, this treatment can fill in gaps and correct irregular teeth. Usually, orthodontic treatments are suggested for younger patients, but adults have the option to choose between orthodontics and veneers.

If you are looking for a dental office that provides porcelain veneers in West Kelowna, then our experienced dental team will discuss your goals and design a treatment plan to create the smile of your dreams. 

By revitalizing your smile with the latest in aesthetic dentistry, it can help you:

  • Be more confident, both professionally and personally
  • Be more expressive, by revealing the real you
  • Laugh more and be more pleasant to be around
  • Enjoy better overall health; feeling better about yourself
  • Regain your youth and feel more vibrant
  • Look fabulous, wherever you go and whatever you do


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Dental Veneers Before & After


NOTE: These are examples only and do not imply any certainty of a result of a procedure, and all outcomes are subject to the circumstances of the individual patient. 




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