Dentist West Kelowna
28+ Years Experience
Smart Certified Dentist
1500+ Healthy Patients
Image 1: Patient with severe crowding and missing an upper lateral tooth. Other orthodontic consultations recommended removal of the lower front tooth that was "tucked back" and leaving the missing tooth in the upper jaw out of the picture and just doing cosmetic veneers after to "hide" the missing tooth.
This patient opted to do physiologically based jaw development orthodontics with us instead. This patient has build-ups on the lower molars temporarily to balance and align the jaws in a physiologic position and the upper jaw remodeling appliance is in place
Image 2: Upper jaw remodeling appliance has finished its work and created room
Image 3 & 4: The braces going on
Image 4, 5 & 6: Mid treatment with the jaws developing a nice shape, a temporary false tooth is placed in the upper right missing lateral space and the front tooth is now in the proper position- no teeth lost, proper spacing, and aesthetics
This patient will require some gum treatment and cosmetic restorations on the upper front teeth after the orthodontics are complete.
Image 1: The patient came in with severe TMD ( temporomandibular disorder ) symptoms including migraines and severe vertigo.
Image 2: Patient put into a physiologic fixed orthotic to treat the TMD symptoms (which were resolved) through alignment of the jaws
Image 3: Patient elected to go into phase 2 treatment of jaw development physiologically based orthodontics. This was the first appliance to remodel the upper jaw bone.
Image 4: Once the upper jaw bone was developed, the braces went on to further develop the upper jaw
Image 5: The lower jaw was further developed with the braces while maintaining the lower jaw in a physiologic position with the upper using the lower molar bonded pads
Image 6: We are nearing completion of the physiologically based jaw development orthodontics and the patient still is symptom-free. We will have to treat that front tooth with a veneer or crown for aesthetics due to discolouration once the orthodontics is complete.
NOTE: These are examples only and do not imply any certainty of a result of a procedure, and all outcomes are subject to the circumstances of the individual patient.
Dr. Palmer is a general dentist trained in orthodontics and is not a certified orthodontic specialist.
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